Monday, December 20, 2010

why legendary RGV is splitting a banana into 2 halves instead of eating single solid piece?

Rakta charitra 1 is much more better than 2 in all aspects. But when you prolong one hour story to more than 2 hours with slow motion effects and making two sequels instead of one makes the audience feel awful.

Message on the first screen: "Characters and story are fictitious. No resemblance to reality."
Message on the second screen: "Based on a True Story"
A "controversial" film?

On the editing & camera-work, the least said, the better. It was bad this time. It was an attempt, a different one. Too much use of close-up shots of gangster stubbles and nostril-hairs, 180 or 360 degree turns, shaky handwork during intense scenes, shadow-filming... Some of them were distracting, unlike in the prequel. The camera, as usual, rotates a full 360 degree or is found slanting behind some stairs. In one particular car chase scene, the camera rotates a 180 degrees and the half minute scene is hilariously shown upside down.The loud background score succeeds in charging up the intensity of action sequences. The cinematography was convincing enough.

when you stretch a small story for more than 2 hours then it becomes a big bore. RGV could have easily put both the movie parts together in 1 piece and that would have made it a great watch.

Many scenes move in slow motion. The technique works at the start but then you see too many scenes following the pattern that it tires you, especially in the end.

On the whole, I personally liked the first part rather than the second, but that is just a personal choice.

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